live Performance:
Keine (Peine) (D / ESP) - 21.00 Uhr
"Freaks Homage !" Experimental Sound Installation Perfromance
KEINE (PEINE) are a collective from Berlin. They`re members played at places like Berghain, Loophole and Pudel Club, they ve a really fresh new Sound and Pefromance Style of Electronics and Ambient Installation/ Perfromances. Join them !!
live Performance - 16.00 Uhr:
Schmerzensgeld by Reza Alikhani (D/ Iran)
Special Peformance outside !!!
World Cup:
Germany - Portugal 18.00 Uhr
Iran - Nigeria 21.00 Uhr
DJ Kapoola (D)
electronic Ambient Tracks.
Fame for his weird and new Ambient Sounds, just toured Poland.