• /dms715  /cargobar-event-pictures/2024/untitled2/untitled5/14-6--FESSA-DJ-SET---GUESTS/14.6.%20FESSA%20DJ%20SET%20%26%20GUESTS.jpg

Go!C!ART CLÉO TOTTI (Liege/B) Part 2

20:00 CLÉO TOTTI (Liege/B) Part 1
Participative performance for 7 to more people
22:00 DJ Set by FESSA & Guests (Italy/Berlin)
Wave, Post Punk , Neo Goth, Electro Punk 

20:00  CLÉO TOTTI (Liege/B) Part 1

Cléo Totti (1989, Bastogne, Belgium) works with sculpture and performance. Her main motif is the human body, which is fragmented, distorted and transformed into pictorial objects. Alternating between fluid and solid, her work signals a fluidity and hybridity of both synthetic and natural bodies.

In response to capitalism and its intense production, Cléo Totti creates works reflecting on the pressure generated by monetary power. She creates allegories of notions such as resistance, combat, and struggle. Reflecting on the notion of social position and class and cast induced by society and its hierarchical structure.

She has been nominated for the Friends of S.M.A.K. - Coming People (2016) and Prix de la Jeune Sculpture of the Federation Wallonia-Bruxelles (2020)

Credits photographiques: Courtesy of The artist & Amour Chiennes 

22:00  DJ Set by FESSA & Guests (Italy/Berlin) 

Wave, Post Punk , Neo Goth, Electro Punk 

» http://www.cleototti.com

Cargobar | St. Johanns-Rheinweg 46 | CH-4056 Basel | Tel Fax +41 61 321 00 72 | kontakt
täglich geöffnet | Sonntag bis Donnerstag 16h-1h | Freitag Samstag 16h-2.30h


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