
homeland into a mesmerizing musical tapestry. Born in Siberia, Julia is a bridge-builder between cultures, using her piano as a medium to reflect on the challenges and beauty of her origins.

 The trio's success has reverberated across the globe, with notable performances

at festivals in Croatia and Uruguay, as well as on famous stages in Brazil, France,

and Switzerland. The Julia Perminova Trio's concerts are not just musical events;

they are immersive experiences that leave an indelible mark on the hearts of those

who witness the magic unfold.

Julia Perminova - piano (Russia/France)

Josef Zeimetz - double bass (Germany)

Luis Possollo - drums (Portugal)





Julia Perminova: https://www.instagram.com/juliajazzpiano/

Luis Possolo: https://www.instagram.com/luis_possollo/

Josef Zeimetz: https://www.instagram.com/ztzbass/

» http://juliaperminova.com

Cargobar | St. Johanns-Rheinweg 46 | CH-4056 Basel | Tel Fax +41 61 321 00 72 | kontakt
täglich geöffnet | Sonntag bis Donnerstag 16h-1h | Freitag Samstag 16h-2.30h


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